So what then determines who we be? Is it our thoughts, our words, our actions, our feelings, our perspective? Who are you? I really want to know...are those lyrics..."the who", right?
Aaanywho....I am writing at 6:30am before my Monday morning class while I sip what is left of my coffee. When is the last time I did that.
Action, (boxed check mark here).
Words....none one around.....just the ones I'm currently writing....
Thoughts..... (yes, boxed check mark here). Hahahahaha, I finally "get" that joke and I think it is funny.
Feelings....milder, (boxed check mark here)
P.S. - file under thoughts....add "mood" to "who we are" in definition of "us".
Perspective. Changing, morphing, transforming, shifting in and out. frightening, exciting, The basis for all of our reality. Exciting.